Decoding Donor Demographics: What’s the Average Age of a Donor?
In the world of nonprofits, understanding your donor base is crucial. You might have often wondered – just what is the average age of a donor? The answer to this question holds vital insights, serving as a powerful tool that can shape your fundraising strategies.
Let’s dig into this topic, providing some clarity, and perhaps challenging some preconceived notions you might have about the average age of a donor.
TL;DR: Median Donor Age is Mid-60s
Did you know that age is a significant factor in donation habits? According to multiple studies, the typical donor age is higher than you might expect. According to the Fundraising Effectiveness Project’s donor data, the median donor age is 62 years. Research from Blackbaud points to a similar trend, indicating the average donor age to be in the mid-sixties.
The data suggests a clear trend: older individuals are more likely to give—and give more generously than their younger counterparts. This highlights the crucial role mature donors play in philanthropic endeavors. Nonprofits must ensure their communication and fundraising strategies resonate with this demographic.
Accommodate Your Audience
Now that you know the average donor is in their mid-60s, you can make some important decisions and how, when, and where to communicate with your donors.
As we age, our vision changes. Older donors will appreciate print and digital messages with larger font sizes and high levels of contrast in color. đź‘€
We also know that donors tend to be right near or past retirement age, so they tend to have more free time than the rest of us who are still out here hustling every day. That means they are more likely to take the time to read your newsletters, annual reports, direct mail solicitations, and everything else you send out.
The Power of Digital Channels
Even though the average donor age skews older, it doesn’t mean these individuals aren’t digitally savvy. I don’t know about you, but my Boomer mom is proficient in texting ironic emojis and is on social media more than I am.
A study by the Global NGO Technology Report found that a whopping 92% of Baby Boomers donate to charity, with a significant percentage doing so online. Hence, it’s crucial not to underestimate the power of digital channels in reaching out to these donors.
In Conclusion
Knowing your donor demographics, including the average age, is an invaluable part of forming an effective fundraising strategy. As we’ve discovered, older donors play a pivotal role in philanthropy. Their age should be taken into consideration when creating communication plans, copy, and layout.
At Jigsaw, we believe in harnessing data to drive success. Armed with this knowledge, you’re better equipped to create powerful, tailored strategies that resonate with your key demographics—helping your nonprofit to make a more significant impact.